Spill the Tea

In addition, we also expanded our Spill the Tea events to the Spanish-speaking community, these events are now called A Calzón Quitado. During COVID-19, we have seen an increase in attendance at these events, as many of the participants are easily able to join the events via Zoom rather than having to travel to a physical location. We continued our work to un-silo PrEP by conducting a community needs assessment amongst 64 individuals to identify healthcare access barriers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHoH) community. This information has been vital as our larger organization works to address the inequities that exist in our service delivery. Information gathered from the assessment is also being used to inform new marketing strategies specifically for the DHoH community as well as the development of a service awareness video in American Sign Language (ASL).

Virtual Spill the Tea  Spill the Tea is an HIV prevention program meant to provide care, education, and awareness to women with a specific focus on cisgender Black women who have heterosexual contact, transgender women of color, and Spanish-speaking women of color who have heterosexual contact, aged 18-29. According to the CDC in 2019, black women account for 6 in 10 new HIV infections, with Latinas following not too far behind.

A Calzón Quitado:
A Calzón Quitado is an HIV prevention education program meant to provide education, awareness, and linkage to care to women with a specific focus on Spanish-speaking women of color who have heterosexual contact, aged 18-29. Over the grant period, PPMW will host 5 A Calzón Quitado events, reaching 100 Spanish-speaking women in Montgomery County, Maryland. 

Let’s Not Make this Awkward A weekly webinar series for parents (4 week cohort) to work with their children on subjects such as basic sex-related communication, Puberty and Anatomy, Consent and Healthy Relationships, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. More than 35 individuals attended these weekly workshops.

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